Love Me If You Dare (2003)
Release Date: 14 May 2004 (USA)
Quality: DVDRip
Language: French
Runtime: 93 min
Director: Yann Samuell
Company: Nord-Ouest Productions, Studio Canal, Artémis Productions
Movie Info: IMDb
Cast: Guillaume Canet, Marion Cotillard, Thibault Verhaeghe, Joséphine Lebas-Joly, Emmanuelle Grönvold, Gérard Watkins
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Watch: Trailer
Size: 696MB
Plot: Jeux d'enfants ('Child's play') or 'Love me if you dare' is a love story born of a game of truth or dare gone out of control. When they first meet, Julien impresses Sophie (a bullied newcomer to his town) with a game based on a present from his mother - a brightly coloured candy tin. Thereafter the two are engaged in a playful rivalry: whoever has the box can force the other to perform a dare to get it back. Jeux d'enfants is comparable to 'In July' or 'A Life Less Ordinary', with significant dark-humour moments. Challenges esculate to include social faux pas (wearing clothing inside out) to outright cruelty (seducing an admirer to steal her earring, with no regard for her feelings).
Yet their love is honest throughout, despite the distinctly sociopathic tendencies that Julien is developing. It's when the relationship breaks up and Sophie reconnects with him as an adult that the plot becomes disjointed - turning into what some can interpret as an alternative timeline or even the dying dreams of 'what could have been'.

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